The full text of article intended for publication should be signed by authors, it has to be followed by a certificate of material verification through the anti-plagiarism program (permissible borrowing and self-citation - no more than 20%), an application from the institution in which the work was performed, and an expert resolution on publication possibility.

One file consists of one paper which has the following:

  • UDC index;
  • the title in Russian and English;
  • the structured abstract (200-250 words) in Russian and English;
  • keywords in Russian and English (not less than 10 speech units);
  • the list of references in Russian and English;
  • information about the authors in Russian and English (a surname, a name, a middle name, a work place, a position, an academic degree, a rank and E-mail address, contact phone number);
  • ORCID и Researher ID index of each author ( и

The article should be structured: introduction (review of problems, objective of work); theory of the issue; a detailed presentation of the methods of conducting experiments, a description of materials and methods of analysis, statistical processing is desirable; the discussion of the results; conclusion. It is enough to describe the objective of the work and the results obtained for articles of a production nature.

The article should contain only the most necessary formulas, it is desirable to abandon the intermediate calculations. The equation editor of Equation 3.0 is recommended to record the formulas.  All formulas are aligned to the center of the page, numbered in parentheses on the right and referred to in the text of the article. Inclusion of tables in the article should be appropriate. Tables should be numbered and headings in Russian and English (10 pf). It is desirable that the tables do not exceed one page of text. Figures should be clear when printing in black and white, numbered, figure captions in Russian and English (10 pf), have links in the text and be accompanied by justifications and conclusions. The units of measurement should be given in accordance with the International System (SI).

An article should be processed in the Microsoft Office 97-2003 Word 7.0 format, 12 point font Times New Roman; print – 1 interval. Please do not use signs of forced transfer and additional gaps. Page parameters: all sides are 2,5 cm. The volume of article has to be no more than 15 pages of the typewritten text, including tables, drawings (no more than 10) and the list of references (12-20 sources). If the text of the article is less than 2500 type characters, it may not be considered.

In order to improve the quality and objectivity of publications, the authors are intended to reflect the advanced scientific experience of foreign countries, Russia and the CIS on the subject matter in the articles. The bibliography should be in accordance with State Standard Specification (GOST) 7.0.100-2018 «Bibliographic Record and Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Drafting rules». References should include at least 12 sources (no more than 3 references to your own articles). There should be obligatory at least 5 sources later than 2016, and at least 4 references to foreign studies of recent years (from foreign countries, outside the former USSR). References are given at the end of article in order they mentioned. References are highlighted with square brackets. References to foreign sources are given in the original language and are accompanied, in case of translation into Russian, with indication of the translation. Textbooks, reference books, guidelines and recommendations are not included in the list of references. References are provided separately (see the guidelines in «The List of References Standard in English»). The bibliography in English should be issued according to Scopus standard specification. Indicate article DOI if it in the presence.

To accept an article in the journal you should provide the following materials by e-mail

  • an article file in Word format;
  • the same file in pdf format signed by the author;
  • a certificate of material verification for anti-plagiarism
  • an application from the institution where the work is made;
  • an expert resolution on publication possibility.



For journals:

[1]       Berela A.I., Bylkin B.K., Tomilin S.A., Fedotov A.G. Analiz i predstavlenie sredy deystviya v sisteme proektirovaniya tehnologii demontazha oborudovaniya pri vyvode iz ekspluatacii bloka AES [The analysis and representation of the action environment in system of technology design of equipment dismantle during NPP unit taking out of operation] [Global nuclear safety]. 2014. № 1(10). Р. 25-31 (in Russian).

[2]        Lobkovskaya N.I., Evdoshkina Yu.A. Professional`noe celepolaganie kak sostavlyayushhaya kul`tury` bezopasnosti budushhego specialista-atomshhika [Professional Goal-Setting as a Component of the Safety Culture of a Future Nuclear Specialist]. Sovremennoe obrazovanie [Modern Education]. 2017. № 1. P. 32-38. URL: (in Russian).

For books:

[3]       Mogilev V.A., Novikov S.A. Faykov Yu.I. Tekhnika vzryvnogo eksperimenta dlya issledovaniya mekhanicheskoy stoykosti konstruktsy. [Explosive experiment techniques for research of mechanical firmness of designs]. Sarov. FGUP «RFYaTs-VNIIEF» [Russian Federal Nuclear Center – The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics]. 2007. 215 p. (in Russian).

For web-resources:

[4]       Strategia razvitia transportnogo kompleksa Rostovskoj oblasti do 2030 goda [Development strategy of a transport complex of the Rostov region till 2030]. Officialnij sait Ministerstva transporta Rostovskoj oblasti [Official site of the Transport Ministry of Rostov region]. 2015. URL:
pageid=107384 (in Russian).

For foreign references:

[5]       Gulyaev M., Bogorovskaia S., Shapkina T. The Atmospheric air condition in Rostov Oblast and its effect on the population health // Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basiсs and innovative approach. CA. USA. B&M Publishing. 2014.
Р. 56-60.

For materials of conferences:

[6]       Gerasimov S.I., Kuzmin V.A. Issledovaniye osobennostey initsiirovaniya svetochuvstvitelny vzryvchatykh sostavov nekogerentnym izlucheniyem [Research of features of initiation are photosensitive explosive structures incoherent radiation] [Works of the International conference «16 Haritonov’s scientific readings»]. Sarov. FGUP «RFYaTs-VNIIEF» [Russian Federal Nuclear Center – The All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics]. 2014. Р. 90-93 (in Russian).

For materials of conferences (foreign references):

[7]        Ishikawa M. et al. Reactor decommissioning in Japan: Philosophy and first programme. «N power performance and safety. Conference proceedings. Vienna, 28 September – 2 october 1987. V. 5. Nuclear Fuel Cycle». IAEA. Vienna. 1988. P. 121-124.


Editorial office address (for sending printed correspondence):

347360, Russia, Rostov region, Volgodonsk, Lenin Street, 73/94

Editorial office of «Global Nuclear Safety» journal


Tel: +79281883628