
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameDetermination of Calibration Intervals Length of Measuring Devices
AuthorsYu.S. Sysoev*, N.A. Simakova**

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail:
sysoev2004@mail.ru, ** e-mail: simnataalex@gmail.com

AbstractThe formal technique of stochastic estimates of calibration intervals duration of measuring devices based on queuing theory is presented in the work. This technique can be used not only for analysis of measuring devices, but also to forecast the process of random drift parameters of other technical objects.
Keywordsforecasting, calibration interval, drift of parameters, stochastic extrapolation

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