
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameApplication of Microprocessor-based Relay in Systems of Control and Protection of Power Equipment
AuthorsS.A. Baran*, E.S. Belyaeva**, V.S. Novikova***

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
* e-mail:
bastr@rambler.ru, ** e-mail: katis93@yandex.ru ; *** e-mail: 10valentina05@mail.ru

AbstractThe article concerns the application of microprocessor units of relay protection systems for control and protection of power equipment, their main functions and requirements for these devices. It also presents the results of the experiment "Modeling of maximum current protection of electric power lines", "Modeling of electric power line current cutoff" and "Automatic activation of load reserve power supply."
Keywordsmicroprocessor-based relays, management and protection of power equipment, registration of operation, self-diagnosis, selectivity, speed, sensitivity, reliability, overcurrent protection, current cutoff, load reserve power supply

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