
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameFull-scale Observations During Containment Erection of Rostov NPP Unit №3
AuthorsV.N. Medvedev *, Aleksander S. Kiselev **, Aleksey S. Kiselev **, A.N. Ul'yanov *, V.F. Strizhov ***, E.A. Potapov ****

Nuclear Safety Institute (IBRAE), Moscow, Rostov NPP, Volgodonsk, Rostov region
* e-mail: cont@ibrae.ac.ru; ** e-mail: kis-rncki@rambler.ru; *** e-mail: vfs@ibrae.ac.ru;
**** e-mail: tn17046@yandex.ru

AbstractThe paper focuses on the features of the Rostov NPP Unit 3 containment stress-strain state during its erection and prestressing.
Keywordsсontainment, tendon, concrete, tension, efforts

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Papers89 - 99
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