

Article NameTechnical University Students’ Independent Work in the Process of Training a Foreign Language
AuthorsL.A. Gunina*, L.V. Zakharova**

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
*e-mail: LAGunina@mephi.ru; ** e-mail:zakharova11@mail.ru

AbstractThe article is devoted to the role of technical university students’ independent work in the education of safety culture in the process of foreign language training in accordance to the FSES 3-rd generation. It is pointed out that nuclear safety culture is a priority subject of international cooperation, and the role of nuclear education and training is considered in the article as an essential mechanism to solve this problem. The importance of the human factor as an important criterion in assessing the level of safety culture at nuclear facilities is discussed. The role of foreign language training and education is stressed. The experience of the educational programs implementation in the disciplines of "Foreign language", “Language communication in the professional field" is described. Credit-modular system of independent work evaluation is positively characterized in the article. Steps in the process of organization of students’ independent work in technical universities are described in detail.
Keywordssafety culture, nuclear safety culture education, the role of nuclear education, the role of foreign language in the process of nuclear education, independent work, the human factor

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