
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameDamage Assessment of Environmental Radioactive Contamination at Nuclear Facilities during Radiation Accident
AuthorsI.A. Starodubtcev *, A.P. Elokhin **

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Moscow, Russia 115409
* e-mail:
81-720@mail.ru ; ** e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru

AbstractIn article the problem of safe operation of the existing radiation-hazardous waste storages, new storages constructions in the CIS territory is considered. A brief classification of the existing radioactive waste is given. The review of a complex of the reasons of the largest radiation accidents at nuclear facilities is carried out from the point of view of technical faults of the serving automatic devices of automatic equipment. The short characteristic of the radioactive materials released into the atmosphere as a result of radiation accidents, features of radioactive pollution of adjacent territories, the dosimetric analysis of the district is provided.
Keywordsradiation-hazardous objects, radiation-hazardous waste, nuclear safety, radiation safety, radiation accident, environmental damage

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