
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameExperimental Research Protection against Gamma Radiation of Organic and Metallic Compositions
AuthorsO.L. Tashlykov*, S.E. Shsceklein*, A.P. Chomjakov*, I.M. Russkikh**, E.N. Seleznev**

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Sverlovsk region 
JSC «Institute of Nuclear Materials», Zaretchny, Sverlovsk region
e-mail: otashlykov@list.ru

AbstractPotential of design of optimum structure of fillers of homogeneous radiation protective materials for the given isotope structure of radioactive pollution is shown. Pilot study results of the weakening ability of homogeneous radiation protective materials with various fillers in relation to gamma radiation are given.
Keywordsradiation protection optimization, frequency rate of weakening, homogenous radiation protective material

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