Operation of nuclear industry facilities
Article Name | Natural Supervision of the Rostov NPP Power Unit № 3 Protective Cover after Pretension |
Authors | V.N. Medvedev*, N.A. Kiselev*, E.S. Krutko*, A.N. Ulyanov*, V.F. Strizhov*, E.A. Potapov** |
Address | * Institute of nuclear power safe development problems ** Rostov NPP the branch of JSC Rosenergoatom Concern, |
Abstract | The assessment of the intense deformed condition of the Rostov NPP power unit № 3 protective cover is given in work from the moment of the termination of pretension to acceptance tests. |
Keywords | protective cover, NPP, reinforcing ropes, concrete, tension, efforts |
Language | Russian |
References | [1] Medvedev V.N., Kiselev Aleksandr S., Kiselev Aleksej S., Ul'yanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Potapov E.A. Naturnye nablyudeniya na e'tape stroitel'stva zashhitnoj obolochki e'nergobloka № 3 Rostovskoj AES [Natural supervision at a stage of construction of the Rostov NPP power unit № 3 protective cover]. Globalnaya yadernaya bezopasnost [Global nuclear safety], 2014, Vol. 3(12), ISSN 2305-414X, p. 89–99. (in Russian) [2] Gajrabekov I.G., Pimshin Yu.I., Gubeladze O.A., Medvedev V.N. Rezultaty vypolnennyx rabot v ramkax monitoringa zashhitnyx germetichnyx obolochek stroyashhixsya blokov Rostovskoj AES [Results of the performed works within monitoring of protective tight covers of the Rostov NPP construction blocks]. Sbornik statej po itogam nauchno-prakticheskix konferencij [The collection of articles following the results of scientific and practical conferences.]. [Release] 7, Vol. 1, Prilozhenie k zhurnalu: Izvestiya VUZov «Geodeziya i ae'rofotosjemka» [Annex to the magazine: News of higher education institutions "Geodesy and aerial photography"], M. 2014, ISSN 0536-101X, p. 29–30. (in Russian) [3] Medvedev V.N., Ul'yanov A.N., Strizhov V.F., Kiselev A.S. Analiz rezul'tatov predvaritel'nogo napryazheniya zashhitnoj obolochki e'nergobloka № 3 Rostovskoj AES [Analysis of results of preliminary tension of a protective cover of the Rostov NPP power unit № 3]. Bezopasnost, effektivnost i ekonomika atomnoj energetiki [Safety, efficiency and economy of nuclear power:] : tez. Devyatoj mezhdunar. nauch.-texn. konf.: plenarnye i sekcionnye doklady [theses of the Ninth international scientific and technical conference: plenary and section reports]. – MNTK[international scientific and technical conference]-2014, Moscow, May 21–23, 2014. M. 2014, (in Russian) |
Papers | 57 - 69 |
URL Article | URL Article |
Open Article |