
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NamePurposes and Tasks of the NPP Equipment Diagnostic Monitoring Organization
AuthorsO.Yu. Pugacheva, V.N. Nikiforov, E.A. Abidova, P.V. Sinelshhikov, R.G. Babenko, D.V. Sirotin, Yu.N. Elzhov

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: nii_energomash@mail.ru

AbstractQuestions of maintenance of operational safety and functional suitability of the NPP power units equipment, repair terms optimization and cost reduction of its carrying out at the expense of the diagnostic monitoring organization of the NPP equipment are considered in work.
Keywordselectrodriving fittings, diagnostic passport, database

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[3]    Abidova E.A., Nosenko V.A., Chernov A.V., PugachyovaO.Yu.Identifikaciya diagnosticheskoj informacii pri ocenke tehnicheskogo sostoyaniya elektroprivodnoj armatury AES [Identification of diagnostic information at an assessment of technical condition of electrodriving fittings of the NPP]. IzvestiyaVolgogradskogogosudarstvennogotexnicheskogouniversiteta [News of the Volgograd state technical university], 2012, Vol. 6, №6, ISSN 1990-5297 p. 90 – 93.(in Russian)

[4]    Slepov M.T., Abidova E.A., Nikiforov V.N., Pugacheva O.Yu. Texnologii analiza diagnosticheskih parametrov elektroprivodnoj armatury na dejstvuyushhih energoblokah Novovoronezhskoj AES [Technologies of the analysis of diagnostic parameters of electrodriving fittings on the operating power units of the New Voronezh NPP]. Elektrotexnicheskie kompleksy i sistemyupravleniya [Electrotechnical complexes and control systems.], 2014, №4, ISSN 1990-5246, p. 16–22. (in Russian)

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