Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety
Article Name | Use of Automated Systems for Environmental Monitoring in the Area Surrounding Ferrous, Nonferrous Metallurgical Enterprises and Nuclear Industry |
Authors | I.A. Starodubtcev*, A.P. Elokhin** |
Address | 31 Kashirskoe shosse, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Moscow, Russia 115409 |
Abstract | The problems of modernization of ARMS are considered for an ecological situation assessment in regions where the ferrous and nonferrous metallurgical enterprises are situated. These enterprises are characterized by considerable emissions and dumpings of the substances polluting the environment. The characteristic of specified enterprises emissions and their damage is provided Introduction of the automated systems for environmental monitoring (ASEM) is offered for environmental control within the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) of the relevant enterprises. The main requirements to system, the principles of its work, the upper and lower estimates of the SPZ sizes are submitted. The principle of an assessment of optimum number of sensors of monitoring system is given. |
Keywords | ecology, environmental pollution; production waste emissions; ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, material and financial costs, automated systems for environmental monitoring, NPP |
Language | Russian |
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