
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameDeveloping Telecommunications Networks Structure Synthesis
AuthorsY.P Mukha*1, I.Y. Koroleva*2, P.V. Povarov**3

Volgograd State Technical University, 28 Lenin St., Volgograd, Volgograd region, Russia 400005
** JSC Rosenergoatom Concern, 25, Pferganskaja St.,Moscow, Russia 109507

1 e-mail: muxaup@mail.ru ; 2 artmd64@rambler.ru ; 3 e-mail: povarov-pv@rosenergoatom.ru

AbstractThe aim of the article is to develop a theory of developing telecommunication networks structures synthesis for monitoring the status of objects that are highly functional and structural complexity. It is necessary to solve the following tasks: – to determine the situation of the telecommunication networks structural development; – to model the complex object structure; – to define the criteria for the network structures development. The most appropriate mathematical methods in this case are the category theory and the theory of information. Thus introduction of telecommunication networks design methods for technology monitoring systems and power making objects safety differs in innovative qualities (for example the NPP) that provides effective increasing of the IT systems which are built in the general technological structures. As a result of research in this case the categorical equations of difficult network structure development which is alternative to the additional network creation that isn't conceding functionally are synthesized.
Keywordstelecommunications data transmission subsystem, collecting and processing information complex system, categorical model, NPP

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