
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameThe Electric Field in the Work-piece in Arc Welding Normally Elliptical Source
AuthorsJieren Gu, A.M. Rybachuk

Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
5 Vtoraja Baumanskaya St., Moscow, Russia 105005
e-mail: amrybachuk@mail.ru

AbstractIn the paper the distribution of welding current in the workpiece and the pool in arc welding is considered, in order to effectively use the methods of weld formation controlled magnetic field. We choose normally elliptical distribution heat source model and choose normally elliptical distribution welding current model on the contact surface between arc and liquid metal. In the work the contact surface between arc and liquid metal has been adopted equipotential and isothermal at a temperature equal to the boiling point of liquid metal, neglecting the influence of heat sinks through the outer surface of the workpiece. In this case we calculate the distribution of welding current density in the workpiece, which depends on the distribution of heat flux density. The relation between the electric current and heat flux is derived from the calculation.
Keywordsarc welding, electric field, welding current density, heat flux, normally elliptical heat source

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