
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameAbout Cover Nuclear Hydrogenation of Aluminum Heat Allocating Elements of Research Reactor RR-100
AuthorsP.A. Ponomarenko, M.A. Frolova

Sevastopol State University
1 Kurchatov St., Sevastopol, Crimea,  Russia 299016
е-mail: frolova-85@mail.ru

AbstractIt is known that strength and fluidity increase under the influence of neutron radiation in aluminum and in its alloys, but the plasticity limit decreases that, owing to swelling of fuel composition, leads to cracking of aluminum heat allocating covers. The conducted researches showed that the reason of cracking of aluminum covers of reactors on thermal neutrons, is the slowed-down nuclear hydrogenation of aluminum in neutron fields, and the cracking of covers connected with plasticity loss, depending on the content of hydrogen in a crystal lattice of metal of covers. So, the protons which resulted from nuclear interaction of neutrons and kernels of metal, in connection with their low penetration, remain in a cover and form in it atoms of hydrogen that reduces work durability of aluminum heat allocating covers on their basic purpose.
Keywordshydrogenation, neutron, aluminum, cover of the heat allocating element, nuclear fuel

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Papers90 - 96
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