

Article NameCompetitiveness and Dynamic Abilities of Russian National Research Universities
AuthorsG.D. Belyaeva, G.A. Fedorenko, A.B. Makarets, A.G. Sirotkina

Sarov State Physics and Technical Institute the Branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
6 Duhov St., Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia, 607186
e-mail: sarfti@mephi.ru

AbstractIn article approaches of higher educational institutions creation of steady competitive advantages are considered , need of formation and development of higher education institution dynamic abilities in the context of improvement of Russian national research universities positions in world ratings is proved.
Keywordsthe higher education, dynamic abilities, competitiveness, higher education institution, national research university, NRNU MEPhI, steady competitive advantage, education internalization, ratings of higher education institutions, 5 TOP-100, higher education institutions activity efficiency, leading world universities, higher education institution potential, rating assessment, global market of education

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