
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameIndistinct and Multiple Simulation and Assessment of Farmland Ecological Safety in Case of Radiation Pollution
AuthorsA.F. Rogachev*, E.V. Melikhova**

Volgograd State Agricultural University, 26 Univercitetski prospect, Volgograd, Volgograd region, Russia 400002
*e-mail: rafr@mail.ru ; **e-mail: mel-v07@mail.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND: Development of nuclear power engineering and its influence on all spheres of economy defines importance of reviewing of simulation questions and an assessment of ecological safety level taking into account specific threats for agricultural production within development of agricultural radio ecology. The significant amount of the local factors defining the overall level of ecological and radiation safety requires reasons for system of the modelled indices and tools of their aggregation. OBJECTIVES: Development of mathematical apparatus and indistinct and multiple model for an integral assessment of agricultural production ecological safety in case of radiation pollution. It is necessary to solve the following problems: – reasons for system of indices and their integrated groups for simulation of agricultural production ecological safety taking into account specific threats; – to justify the structure and to realize indistinct and multiple model of ecological safety of regional agrarian production; – to enable the computer realization of the developed system of an indistinct output with the help of which to reveal the priority directions of enhancement of agrarian production ecological safety of the region on the example of the Volgograd region. METHODS: Research was conducted with use of freely extended software environment of "FisPro version 3.5", allowing to build the simulating systems of an indistinct logical output in the automated mode, and also statistical data under the terms of agrarian production in the conditions of the Volgograd region. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The system of ecological safety indices of agrarian production taking into account specific threats of radiation pollution including the integrated groups, and also local indices characterizing them for indistinct and multiple simulation is justified. 2. The two-level model of ecological safety constructed on the basis of algorithm of an indistinct output by Mamdani realized in the environment "FisPro version 3.5" allows to simulate and estimate influence of the integrated groups of ecological indices system on the ecological safety level of agrarian production of different level subjects in the conditions of specific threats of farmland pollution. 3. Enhancement of the farming standard and, first of all, maintenance of soil cover taking into account regional system of dry agriculture can be the priority direction of improving of agrarian production ecological safety of the Volgograd region.
Keywordsmathematical simulation, ecological safety, radiation pollution, system of ecological indices, indistinct and multiple model, farmland state

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