
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameThe Analysis of Existing Methods for Washing the Filter Cloths of the Fish Protection Devices, Designed to Ensure Industrial and Environmental Safety of Nuclear Power Plants
AuthorsV.G. Tkachev, L.V. Postoj

 Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

* e-mail: VGTkachev@mephi.ru ; ** e-mail: LVPostoj@mephi.ru

AbstractOne of the aspects of ensuring industrial and environmental safety of nuclear power plants is the prevention of reduction of volume of industrial water supplied for cooling of equipment or exceeding the concentration of pollutants. Reducing the amount of incoming water can be caused by a decrease in the filtration capacity of the intake device, the quality degradation occurs as a result of contamination by biological organisms (clogging algae, remains of fish). At present, widely found FPS fish protection device with filter elements, which are an insurmountable obstacle for young fish and prevent it from entering the cooling system. The article analyzes the scientific papers on the study of ways to wash the filter cloths of fish protection devices, the existing theoretical methods for calculating the parameters of plane turbulent jets formed near the waterproof screen. Conclusions: 1. Method of parameter calculation of submerged turbulent axisymmetric jets formed near the filter surface (permeable screen) was not found. 2. Existing theoretical methods of parameter calculation of planar turbulent jets, emerging close to waterproof screen, and some of the theory of turbulent jets and methods for calculating jets in a drifting thread can be used in the development of methods of calculation of axisymmetric jet developing near the filter surface. 3. Jet parameters in the free development of the site are comparable with the parameters of a conventional submerged jet in the orthogonal coordinates associated with the jet axis. 4. Characteristics of a submerged axisymmetric jet on the site free of development near the filtering surface (screen) can be determined. 5. Velocity profiles in cross sections of free jet water-exchange layers can be similar, dependence with the refined exponent can be used for their description. The research results can be important in the equipment of nuclear power plant intakes with special fish protection structures.
Keywordsecology, nuclear power plant, fish protection device, filter cloth, flutes, intake structures, methods of washing, axisymmetric jet, gassing jets

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