
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameStability of Steel Cylindrical Shell Made of Prefabricated Elements
AuthorsS.A. Rashchepkina
Balakovo engineering and technological institute the branch of Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI", 140 Chapaeva St., Balakovo, Saratov region, Russia, 413800
e-mail: Rashh2008@mail.ru 
AbstractThe paper proposes a capacity of a full cross-section of core elements is intended for of various nuclear material storage. The stability of the bar element to a central compression is considered. Expressions to determine the critical stress beam elements are obtained. It is shown that the variation of the critical stress occurs when the coefficient of deformation of strip blanks during the creation of the hollow member is increased. Thus the critical voltages relative to the x-axis increase with the blow-up ratio, the critical voltages relative to the y-axis significantly reduce. Nomogram showing the variation of the critical stress in the direction of the central axes is provided.
KeywordsNPP reconstruction, metal, ribbed shell, the hollow element, calculation, stability

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