
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameInfluence of Surface Boiling at Underheating on Boiling Area State
AuthorsP.A. Ponomarenko, M.A. Frolova, N.N. Lenivenko

Sevastopol State University
1 Kurchatov St., Crimea, Sevastopol, Russia, 299016
е-mail: frolova-85@mail.ru

AbstractResults of study of nucleate boiling phenomenon with underheating on a status of the heatgiving surface of the heat-generating part of an element during reactor installation by means of special apparatus are provided. The apparatus allowed to measure heat flux density continuously from the plates made from different materials to the heat carrier, value of underheating in flow core and temperature pulsation of the boiling surface.
Keywordsthe heat-generating element, heat carriers, underheating nucleate boiling with, radio ecological safety

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