
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameProblem of Transport Technology Equipment Improving in Nuclear Engineering Using Reloading Machine as an Example
AuthorsP.D. Kravchenko*, A.D. Maliarenko**

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360

e-mail: oni-viti@mephi.ru
**  Department "Trade and Advertising Equipment", Belarusian National Technical University”BNTU”,
18a building, 65 Nezavisimosty Ave, Minsk, Belarus, 220013
e-mail: amalyar55@mail.ru

AbstractThe problem of longstanding use of cumbersome complicated transport technology equipment using the example of the reloading machine with rigid telescopic elements for PWR nuclear reactors is considered in article. New simplified construction of reloading machine with rope type hang of automatic grasp device is offered, which led to decrease of construction weight, number of elements and to increase the level of safety.
Keywordsreloading machine, nuclear engineering, working rod, rope hang, heuristic method, design, NPP

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