

Article NameFactors and Vector of Economic Development of Nuclear Mechanical Engineering Enterprises
AuthorsM.V. Golovko

  Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Lenin St.
73/94,  Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: MVGolovko@mephi.ru

AbstractBACKGROUND Article is devoted to research of economic development factors of nuclear mechanical engineering enterprises. The theoretical analysis of nuclear power development universal tendencies showed that guarantee of its competitiveness are innovative transformations of all its subjects, especially machine-building division as made equipment and the level of its technological novelty, safety and profitability for construction, operation and repair of nuclear power plants defines a vector of branch development. METHODS The analysis of various approaches and classifications, and use of economic and mathematical model operation techniques, in particular, use of the main component method allowed to prove an innovation significance in total of factors of the modern industrial enterprise development. In article the role of the institutional environment and the effects which determine the modern features of functioning of the production enterprises is noted. It is proved as a result that economic development of the Russian nuclear mechanical engineering is very peculiar defined by both features of transformational processes and corporate management miscalculations. It confirms of chreod effect action. The main obstacles in economic development of the Russian nuclear mechanical engineering are defined: high level of moral and physical wear of production capacities, higher profitability of import deliveries in comparison with foreign suppliers, internal owing to effective crediting of equipment consumers. RESULTS The main vector of economic development of the Russian nuclear mechanical engineering as need of intensive innovative development of industry by use of modern management methods for effective management of strategic resources is planned as a result (human capital development, preserving crucial knowledge and upgrade of fixed assets, the state investments within target financing program). The specified measures will allow to pass, first of all, to rational import substitution and to present competitive products of one of the most perspective industries of the world economy at the foreign market.
Keywordsnuclear mechanical engineering, industrial enterprises, economic development factors, import substitution, crucial knowledge

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