
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameThe Material Costs in the Aftermath of Radioactive Pollution as a Result of Radiation Accident at Nuclear Facilities
AuthorsA.P. Elokhin*, I.A. Starodubtcev**

Department of Automation Engineering, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
* e-mail: elokhin@yandex.ru;
** e-mail: 81-720@mail.ru

AbstractThe work on the example of a hypothetical accident at the nuclear facilities (nuclear facilities) presented the scenario that determines the sequence of works relating to the registration of ionizing radiation caused by the release of gas-aerosol radioactive impurities in the atmosphere, as well as the assessment of radioactive air pollution and the underlying surface in the propagation of impurities on wind. The estimation of dose loads on the personnel and population of the region came under the torch of the radioactive release, and work to eliminate the consequences of the radioactive pollution of the environment. A mathematical formulation of the statement on the assessment of the radioactive contamination of the environment problems and methods of its solution, as well as evaluation of environmental damage, including populated areas, farmland, parks, nature reserves and natural nature reserves.
Keywordsradiation accident at the nuclear facilities, registration of ionizing radiation, radioactive release torch assessment of radioactive contamination of air basin and the underlying surface, evaluation of radiation exposure of personnel and population of the region, assessment of environmental damage

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