
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameTechnique of Leak Detection from the Water Bearing Communications as the Component of Geotechnical Monitoring of the Bushehr-1 NPP Platform in the Islamic Republic Of Iran
AuthorsV.Yu. Ulyanov

Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture,
Chernyshevsky St., 24a, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, 49600
e-mail: vuluanov@mail.ru
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9028-3408

AbstractThe project shows the use of a fundamentally new technique for locating leaks from water-bearing communications in the ground in order to improve safety in the operation of NPP facilities and equipment at the Bushehr-1 NPP in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Regulations on this technique in the system of geotechnical monitoring at Bushehr NPP should be developed and consolidated in normative documents and job descriptions. This technique can be used in the system of geotechnical monitoring of the NPP sites located in the arid climatic zone, including increased seismicity zones
KeywordsIslamic Republic of Iran, Bushehr-1 NPP, leak detection technique, acoustic leak detector, portable conductometer, thermal imager

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