
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameSafety of Perspective Spacecrafts with the Nuclear Power Installation
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze*1, A.R. Gubeladze**2, S.M. Burdakov*3

* Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
Don State Technical University Gagarin square 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000
 1e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru
WoS ResearcherID:
2e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru
WoS ResearcherID:
F-7215-2017 ;
3 e-mail: SMBurdakov@mephi.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8599-6008
WoS ResearcherID: F-6903-2017

AbstractWork is carried out to ensure nuclear and radiation safety in the operation of advanced spacecrafts with nuclear power installations on board. The method of estimating the thermal effects of detachable currents can be used for probabilistic analysis of the safety of such devices.
Keywordsnuclear power station, spacecraft, atmospheric dense layers, thermal protection coating, detachable currents, cavity

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