

Article NameKey Performance Indicators as Economic Security Tool of the Rosatom State Corporation Enterprises
AuthorsI.A. Ukhalina*, N.A. Efimenko**, S.P. Agapova***

Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”,
Lenin St., 73/94, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail:   VITIkafESGD@mephi.ru
* ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1928-7510
WoS ResearcherID: E-3153-2017
** ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8113-6759
WoS ResearcherID: E-3439-2017
*** ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8484-2912
WoS ResearcherID: E-4842-2017

AbstractArticle is devoted to questions of the key performance indicators (KPI) using as the economic security tool of the Rosastom Group enterprises. Researches in the field of economic security and economic stability of the industrial enterprises have shown that internal and external threats have an impact on efficiency of the enterprises, their competitiveness. In article the emphasis that reserves of increase in resistance to competitive resistance in the market of nuclear and power industry in which activity of the Rosastom Group enterprise is carried out, should be scooped first of all in internal sources and resource potential is placed. Use of a deductive method of the economic analysis has allowed to decapacitate the main indicators of efficiency of industrial enterprise activity, having defined the private indicators exerting impact on the main indicator of state corporation activity – the Corrected Free Cash Flow (CFCF). Carrying out a research of efficiency indicators from "the general to private" it is possible to isolate key indicators of efficiency of different level of hierarchy and to cascade tasks on appropriate levels of management and to bring to specific performers. The directions and ways of increase in efficiency of activities for the main KPI are defined. As a result it was noted that command success in key performance indicators leads to increase in competitiveness of the enterprises and corporation in general and to strengthening of Rosatom State Corporation positions in the local and international market, thus to strengthening of enterprise economic security.
Keywordsenterprise economic security, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), EBITDA, EBITDA Margin, Corrected Free Cash Flow (CFCF)

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