Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety
Article Name | Practical Recommendations for the Institutions of Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the Preparation and Submission of Documents to the Commission for Recognizing the Organization to Apply Nuclear and Radiationally Dangerous Objects and Installations |
Authors | A.A. Serebryakov1, V.N. Fedoseev2, L.I. Yakovlev3, A.A. Portnov4, Ye.M. Tyurin5, M.I. Pisarevskii6 |
Address | National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | The article sums up the experience of the MEPhI specialists in the working group of the Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in recognizing the organization suitable to operate a nuclear installation, radiation source or storage facility and to carry out activities to handle nuclear materials and radioactive substances. This paper considers problems encountered by organizations at the stages of preparation and submission of an application and an accompanying package of documents. Characteristic remarks to the documents under consideration are analyzed. Recommendations on the list of submitted documents and their registration are given. |
Keywords | nuclear energy, nuclear installation, radiation source, storage facility, handling of nuclear materials and radioactive substances, nuclear and radiation safety, potential radiation hazard, nuclear and radiation hazardous object, object of atomic energy use |
Language | Russian |
References | [1] Jadernaja ehnergetika. Problemy. Reshenija. Pod redakciejj M.N. Strikhanova [Nuclear Energy. Problems. Solutions. Edited by M.N. Strikhanov]. Part 1. M. Pub. CSPiM [Center for Socilal Forecast and Marketing], 2011, 424 p. (in Russian) [2] Federal'nyjj zakon ot 21.11.1995 goda №170-FZ (redakcija ot 03.07.2016) «Ob ispol'zovanii atomnojj ehnergii» [Federal Law 21.11.1995 № 170-FL (July 3, 2016 Edition) "Use of Nuclear Energy"]. 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[Decree of the Russian Federation Government of February 17, 2011 No. 88 "Approval of the Regulation of organization recognition suitable for operating a nuclear installation, radiation source or storage facility and carrying out its own activities or with the involvement of other organizations activities for the placement, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear installation, radiation source or storage facility, as well as activities related to the handling of nuclear materials and radioactive substances. 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Papers | 35 - 44 |
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