

Article NameAnalysis of Major Accidents at Radiation Facilities and their Impact on World Nuclear Energy Development
AuthorsE.R. Mukhamedzhanova*, V.A. Akatiev**

Bauman Moscow State Technical University «BMSTU»,
2nd Bauman Str., 5, Moscow, Russia 105005

* e-mail.ru: muk-lena46@yandex.ru
** e-mail.ru: akatiev07@mail.ru

AbstractThe article presents an overview of the biggest world accident consequences, related to the 6-th and 7-th levels of impact according to INES nuclear power classification. The purpose of the research – to show how the nuclear power plant accident could affect the rate of development of nuclear energy. As a result of the study, an assessment is made of the impact on the results of reports of various services, governments and scientists, a brief description of which is given in the article.
KeywordsINES, accident, pace of development, nuclear power plants

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Papers110 - 114
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