
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameHypothesis Substantiation of Laminar Current Transition to Turbulent during Mixed Liquid Convection in Vertical Channels
AuthorsV.K. Semenov, A.A. Beliakov

Ivanovo State Power University,
34 Rabfakovskaya st., Ivanovo, Ivanovskaya region, Russia, 153003
E-mail: oh_behave@mail.ru

AbstractThe paper offers and justifies the hypothesis of the transition of a slow steady-state laminar liquid flow into a turbulent one during its ascending motion along a vertical unequally heated surface under conditions of mixed convection. It analyzes the nature of the driving forces and the role of the pressure force at different stages of liquid heating. It is shown that this transition is due to the origin of the wakeful flow and the disruption of the stationarity conditions. The critical value of the convective parameter and the place of turbulence generation are determined by the method of integral relations.
Keywordsascending movement of the liquid, mixed convection, laminar current, criteria of transition of the laminar to turbulent current

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