
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameExternal Magnetic Field Deformation in Arc Welding of Magnetic Metals
AuthorsJieren Gu*, A.M. Rybachuk**

Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
Build 1, Vtoraja Baumanskaya St., 5, Moscow, Russia 105005
* ORCID: 0000-0001-6287-1379
Wos ResearcherID: S-4188-2017
e-mail: gujieren12345@163.com
** ORCID: 0000-0002-9078-2653
Wos ResearcherID: O-6229-2017
e-mail: amrybachuk@mail.ru

AbstractThe paper considers the method of forming joints in an external transverse magnetic field of a four-pole magnetic system in arc welding. The deformation of the magnetic field in the welding of ferromagnetic metals is investigated. The dependence of the axis displacement of the magnetic field on the current in the magnetic system coils is shown.
Keywordsarc welding, four-pole magnetic system, ferromagnetic metal, magnetic field

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