
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NamePhysical Share of Delayed Neutrons in ReactorActive Zone with Low-enriched Fuel at the First Physical Start-up
AuthorsP.A. Ponomarenko, S.S. Bezotosny, M.A. Frolova, V.A. Morozova

Sevastopol State University
Kurchatov St. 1, Sevastopol,
Crimea, Russia, 299016

AbstractThe article is devoted to the theoretical estimate of the physical fraction of delayed neutrons in the reactor core by thermal neutrons, the fuel elements which contain only uranium fuel, prior to the physical start-up. One of the most responsible and potentially dangerous nuclear procedures in operation of any reactor is its first physical start-up. In the course of the first physical start-up experimentally define size of an effective share of delayed neutrons and reactance factors. The key moment in this complex of actions is the effective share of delayed neutrons which are product of a physical fraction and value of late neutrons.
Keywordsnuclear power, nuclear reactor, fraction of delayed neutrons, nuclear safety, active zone, reactivity, low enriched fuel, uranium, multiplication factor, number of nuclei, first physical launch, value of delayed neutrons

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Papers97 - 101
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