
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameEstimation of Spectrometric and Radiometric Characteristics of Alpha-Emissioning Radionuclides of Plutonium and their Influence on AMAD
AuthorsYouesf N. Husein*, D.A. Pripachkin**, A.K. Budyka***

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

*ORCID: 0000-0002-1247-054X
WoS Researcher ID:
E-mail: yousefhusein@yahoo.com;

**ORCID: 0000-0002-5672-1515
WoS Researcher ID: M-0730-2010
E-mail: dmrwer@mail.ru;

***ORCID: 0000-0001-8314-842X
WoS Researcher ID: G-1786-2013
E-mail: AKBudyka@rosatom.ru

AbstractThis article is proposed to consider using a new experimental stand for determining the volumetric activity and AMAD of α-particles. It is proposed to evaluate the spectrometric and radiometric characteristics of the α-emitting Radionuclides plutonium and to determine their influence on the value of AMAD. The work compares the calculated values of the activity of plutonium isotopes in a special aerosol sources, obtained using the experimental stand and others such as МКS-01А and UMF-2000. The paper estimates the relative error in the determination of AMAD using experimental stand.
Keywordsradioactive aerosol, inertial separator, deposition efficiency, aerodynamic diameter, AMAD, volume activity, MKS-01A, UMF-2000, α-radiation

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