
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameDefinition of Soil Pollution by Missile Fuel with the Help of Test-objects
AuthorsM.E. Baranov

Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technologies
31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, Russia, 660037
e-mail: me_baranov@mail.ru

AbstractNowadays there are many ways to determine the chemical contamination of the soil. The most common and universal method is considered to be biotesting. The use of different methods of biotesting makes it possible to obtain fairly accurate results. The object of the study was the soil cover on the object of missile operation. An unfavorable environmental situation which was reflected in the preservation of a high level of phytotoxicity took place in Emelyanovsky district, Krasnoyarsk territory after the liquidation of the military unit due to the hit in the soil of a large number of components of rocket fuel (KRT). Today the territory of the military unit is unattended, special structures are destroyed. There are visible oily stains on the soil, there is a specific smell. According to testimony from military chemical reconnaissance device (VPHR) the presence in the soil KRT 0.001 mg/l, which corresponds to the level of "Danger" was established. In this regard, it is necessary to monitor the chemically contaminated soil, identify environmentally unfavorable zones, assess the possibility of soil use in forestry. For the experiment we selected 10 samples from different sites located at a certain distance from each other and covering the area close to technical facilities, as well as two control samples in the removal of three and five kilometers from the object of study. The objective of the study is to identify soil pollution, to assess the impact of KRT on biological objects. In this regard it is necessary to determine the effect of chemical contamination on the test objects: pine ordinary Pinus sylvestris L. and cress lettuce Lepidium sativum L. conduct statistical processing of the experimental data to minimize the area to be recultivated.
Keywordssoil, chemical pollution, rocket fuel, biotesting

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