
Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameProvision of Transport Frame Strength for Hydraulic Sharing Equipment Delivery to Eliminate Dangerous Goods Accident Consequences
AuthorsYu.Yu. Lushina *, O.Yu. Zhabunina **, A.E. Kipkaev **, N.Yu. Parshukova*

* Snezhinsk Physics and Technology Institute of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
Komsomolskaya street, 8, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 456776
** Russian Federal Nuclear Center – Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics
Vasilyev street, 13, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia 456770
e-mail: p.i.e@yandex.ru

AbstractThe article considers the provision of safety and integrity when transporting hydraulic sharing equipment by road and rail to the place of dangerous goods accident consequences elimination. It is offered to strengthen the existing kinds of fastenings through the use of the engineered transport frame to ensure the equipment transportation reliability. The substantiation of the strength and reliability of the frame is given analytically and numerically. Strength analysis of frame construction is performed in the program of finite element analysis in the conditions of transport sinusoidal loadings. The calculation results show that the proposed transport frame design meets all normative requirements of safety.
Keywordsdangerous goods, transportation, hydraulic sharing equipment, the generating module, the pump module, fastening elements, strength, reliability

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