

Article NameExperimental Studies of Bio Mouse Usage Efficiency during Educational and Training Classes
AuthorsM.V. Alyushin*, L.V. Kolobashkina**

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»,
Kashirskoye Shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409
ORCID: 0000-0001-7806-3739
WoS Researcher ID: R-7928-2016

**e-mail: LVKolobashkina@mephi.ru

AbstractMain conditions of ensuring the effectiveness of educational and training classes are formulated. The relevance of monitoring the current state of students in the process of setting classes is shown. The advantages of using a computer bio mouse (CBM) for monitoring the status of students directly during training classes are considered. The results of experimental studies on the effectiveness of CBM are analyzed. A fairly high correlation is found between the level of arterial pressure and the tension index measured by CBM.
Keywordscomputer bio mouse, training classes efficiency, student current state monitoring

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Papers91 - 97
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