
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameDirections of Access Control Systems Improving for Radiation Hazardous Facilities
AuthorsK.G. Terehov

JSC FCS&HT "SNPO "Eleron", 14, Gen. Belova str., Moscow, 115563, Russia
e-mail: gunper@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5161-6337
WoS Researher ID: O-3704-2018

AbstractThe safety of nuclear facilities is not possible without the use of access control systems at a radiation hazardous facility (ACS ROO). The article deals with the design and operation of equipment included in the ROO: turnstiles, radiation monitors, intelligent video surveillance, biometric scanners, etc. Measures to counter unauthorized actions of the offender at checkpoints are described, methods for detecting substances banned to penetration, electronic identity cards are described. The article provides options for protecting information assets from unauthorized access to the ACS. Prospects for the development of the ACS have been noted. Minimizing the role of security personnel with the corresponding development of the ACS functionality allows us to protect ourselves from mistakes or deliberate actions, reduce the time for monitoring access parameters, improve the quality of control while reducing financial costs, and provide effective counteraction to the prepared external and internal violator.
KeywordsGlobal nuclear safety, radiation hazardous facility, nuclear industry, human factor, access control system, checkpoint, radioactive substances, detection equipment classes, classification of search objects, inspection equipment

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