
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameDevelopment Practical Recommendations for the Institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Russian Federation on Justification of the Extension of the Term of Service of Nuclear Installations on the Example of the IRT MEPhI Research Reactor
AuthorsA.A. Serebryakov (1), V.N. Fedoseev (2), L.I. Yakovlev (3), S.A. Ozherelev, Ye.M. Tyurin (5), M.I. Pisarevsky (6)

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe shosse, d. 31, Russia

(1)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4549-7933

WoS Researcher ID: R-4218-2017

e-mail: AASerebryakov@mephi.ru

(2)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1612-5161

WoS Researcher: R-7626-2017

e-mail: fedvn59@mail.ru

(3)ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6981-3585

WoS Researcher ID: R-4259-2017

e-mail: LIYakovlev@mephi.ru

(5)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0100-0702

WoS Researcher ID: 0000-0002-0100-0702

e-mail: tempost@mail.ru

(6)ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3578-6942

WoS Researcher ID: O-8221-2017

e-mail: MIPisarevskij@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article describes the procedure and offers practical recommendations for extending the service life of nuclear facilities using the example of the IRT MEPhI research reactor, which is in a long shutdown mode. Explanations are given on how to apply the provisions of NP-024-2000 «Requirements for justifying the possibility of extending the designated lifetime of nuclear facilities» directly to nuclear facilities.
Keywordsnuclear installation, handling of nuclear materials and radioactive substances, nuclear and radiation safety, potential radiation hazard, nuclear and radiation hazardous object, object of atomic energy use, residual resource, comprehensive technical condition survey

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