
Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-01-02
Water Quality Assessment on Sanitary-Hygienic Parameters of Neman River at Baltic Power Plant (Under Construction) Region
AuthorsE.V. Luneva*1, E.A. Vereshchagina**2, D.V. Kulakov**3, M.E. Makushenko***4

*JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom», Projected passage № 4062, 6, bldg. 5,  Moscow, Russia 115432

1ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4238-2214

Wos Researher ID: B-1754-2019

e-mail: luneva100@yandex.ru

**Institute of Earth Sciences, St. Peterburg State University, Universitetskaya nab., 7/9. Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034

2ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2249-4614

Wos Researher ID: G-8232-2015

e-mail: ea.grigorieva@gmail.com

3 ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1855-4509

Wos Researher ID: G-9980-2018

e-mail: dvkulakov@mmail.ru

***St. Petersburg Division, Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geosciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasilievskiy island., Middle pr, 41, of. 519, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 199004

4ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0071-8314

Wos Researher ID: B-2512-2019

e-mail: maria@hgepro.ru

AbstractUsing surface water objects for water supply and disposal systems of nuclear power plants (NPP) produces a complex of problems concerned with environmental and health protection. Sanitary-hygienic (including hydrochemical and micro-biological) parameters and natural water toxicity are studied at Neman river, as the river is planned to be a cooling pond of Baltic NPP, which is under construction. Water quality assessment is done based on the observed data during 2011–2016. Observations have shown high variety of river condition during the year (seasonal variations) with not good enough water quality parameters for water supply purposes over the most part of the year. To obtain water with high organoleptic indicators and an acceptable level of risk in terms of chemical and microbiological composition for water supply system, a complex of methods for water purification, post-treatment and disinfection should be applied. Although, it is shown, that natural waters of the Neman river within the Kaliningrad region should be considered not to have a toxic effect on aquatic organisms.
Keywordswater quality assessment, micro-biological parameters, hydrochemical parameters, Neman river, Baltic nuclear power plant
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