
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-01-08
The Current Digital Logical Elements and IP-Modules for Problems of Automatic Control and Monitoring of Nuclear Objects
AuthorsN.V. Butyrlagin*1, N.I. Chernov*2, N.N. Prokopenko*,**3, А.V. Bugakova*4

* Don State Technical University, Gagarin sq. 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 3440000

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6363-5113

WoS Researcher ID: B-9159-2014

Scopus Author ID: 55975353700

e-mail: nbutyrlagin@mail.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2438-4825

WoS Researcher ID: S-3745-2016

Scopus Author ID: 56434029200

e-mail: chernovni@yandex.ru

4ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9255-0015

WoS Researcher ID: E-6820-2014

Scopus Author ID: 56543776600

e-mail: annabugakova.1992@mail.ru

* Don State Technical University, Gagarin sq. 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 3440000 

**Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPPM RAS)

Sovetskaya st. 3,  Zelenograd, Russia, 124681

3ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8291-1753

WoS Researcher ID: I-6599-2013

Scopus Author ID: 25227786700

e-mail: prokopenko@sssu.ru

AbstractThe paper considers the features of designing a special electronic component base (ECB) for automatic control systems and control of nuclear power plants. Unlike classical potential digital devices, ECB of this class is based on the properties of current logic elements (CLE). A more complete and systematic presentation of the main provisions of the CLE synthesis is given. The synthesis process of functions of the main functionally complete system using sets of logical arithmetic and logical operations is described. Directions for further research in the field of current ECB are formulated. Linear representations of logical functions of Boolean and linear algebra are discussed for two-valued and three-valued logics. The basic components of CLE are considered. The schemes that implement logical operations in various bases - “truncated difference”, “difference modulus”, “comparison” as well as their combinations are presented. The advantages of CLE compared with potential digital logic elements are shown.
Keywordselectronic component base, automatic control systems, digital current structures, logic elements, representations of logical functions, two-digit logic, three-digit logic, reliability
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Papers74 - 89
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