

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-01-13
Responsibility for Stealing or Extortion of Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Substances
AuthorsN.S. Aleksandrova

Dimitrovgrad engineering and technological Institute the branch of the National Research

Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Kuibyshev St., 294, Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, Russia 433512

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0499-2161

WoS Researcher ID: Т-5294-2018

e-mail: nadezhdaleksandrova@yandex.ru

AbstractThe Russian Federation Criminal Code provides for responsibility for stealing or extortion of nuclear materials and radioactive substances in order to ensure nuclear and radioactive safety and protection of especially dangerous objects from potential threats. The article presents an analysis of this crime taking into account the changes made to the current criminal legislation. The author considers the problems associated with the use of the analyzed crime and makes proposals for their legislative solution.
Keywordsradioactive substances, nuclear materials, stealing, extortion, special rule, self-interest, nuclear energy, subject of the crime, subject, method.
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Papers120 - 123
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