2019-2 (31)

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article Name10.26583/GNS-2019-02-07
Method of Heat-Hydraulic Tests of Long-Relined Pipes of Separator – Vapor Heaters for NPP with Water-Water Energy Reactors
AuthorsM.YU. Khizhov

OA OKB «GIDROPRESS», Podol'sk, Russia

e-mail: grpress@grpress.podolsk.ru

AbstractThe paper proposes methodology and design of the stand which allowed to conduct thermal tests of longitudinally-finned tubes of separators-superheaters for nuclear power plants with water-water power reactors of high efficiency. According to the results of tests of longitudinally ribbed pipes with the number of U-shaped ribs equal to six and eight, a comparative analysis is conducted. It is shown that the increase in heat transfer surface exceeds the decrease in heat transfer coefficient for such structures.
Keywordsheat exchange tubes, separator-superheater, thermal hydraulic tests, heat transfer coefficient, heat exchange surface.
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