2021, 1(38)

Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameJustification of System Shape of Technical Diagnostics of Mobile Nuclear- and Radiation Hazardous Objects, Exposed to Unscheduled Impacts
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze1, A.R. Gubeladze2

Don State Technical University, Gagarin square 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6018-4989

WoS Researcher ID: F-6921-201

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6966-6391

WoS Researcher ID: F-7215-2017

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru

AbstractDevelopment and creation of technical diagnostics promising systems allowing periodic and continuous characteristics and parameters monitoring of nuclear power plant on a moving unit without direct participation of staff is a priority task. The article discusses the possibility of creating monitoring systems, which will allow not only giving object state information and helping to prevent accidental situations.
Keywordsnuclear power plant, container, mobile unit, unregulated impacts, technical diagnostics, controlled parameters.
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