2021, 1(38)

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameMethodology Specific Features of Underground Water Thermomonitoring at the Bucher-1 NPP Site in the Islamic Republic of Iran
AuthorsV.Yu. Ulyanov

Dnieper State Academy of Construction and Architecture, Chernyshevsky St., 24a, Dnepr, Ukraine, 49600
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9028-3408

e-mail: vuluanov@mail.ru

AbstractThe article presents some of the possibilities of thermometry when monitoring groundwater at the Bushehr-1 NPP. Possible sources of local anomalies of the temperature field recorded in the wells are considered. It is shown that temperature measurements allow, incl. to determine the important features of the operation of the monitoring system wells, their design characteristics, the integrity of the casing strings and the power sources of the aquifers. And in the conditions of the Bushehr-1 NPP site, which is known to be in a complex seismotectonic environment, temperature monitoring is of particular additional importance. Monitoring temperature measurements in wells provide more information about changes in the hydrogeodynamic field before tectonic events compared to traditional measurements of the liquid column level. For this reason, temperature monitoring at the Bushehr NPP site should become a part of specialized seismic monitoring aimed at the safe operation of the NPP in difficult seismotectonic conditions in the Zagros zone and the adjacent part of the Iranian coast of the Persian Gulf.
KeywordsIslamic Republic of Iran, NPP, underground water monitoring, thermomonitoring, borehole thermometry, hydrogeological wells.
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