2021, 2 (39)

Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety

Article NameAssessment of Ammunition Group Explosiveness in Destructive Effects Conditions and Ways to Reduce It
AuthorsO.A. Gubeladze1, A.R. Gubeladze2

Don State Technical University, Gagarin square 1, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344000

1ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6018-4989

WoS Researcher ID: F-6921-2017

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6966-6391

WoS Researcher ID: F-7215-2017

e-mail: buba26021966@yandex.ru


AbstractThe ammunition placement in a small area creates the group explosion danger as a result of destructive effects. It is impossible to ensure the group explosive safety of ammunition, by increased distance between them, due to the limited volume in which they are placed. This can be achieved by using protective screens against the high-speed strikers impact. Another direction is the search for optimal ammunition placement schemes in storage that minimize the number of fragments falling into ammunition. The neutrons external background influence during the group storage of nuclear ammunition is also considered.
Keywordsammunition, unregulated destructive effects, group explosion hazard, initiating action, self-sustaining chain reaction, neutron fluence.
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