2021, 4 (41)

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameDensity and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion of 12X18H10T Steel in the Temperature Range from 100-850 ˚C for WWER Reactors
AuthorsA.Z. Alhmoud1, A.B. Kruglov2

National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Kashirskoye shosse, 31, Moscow, Russia 115409

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8213-1455

e-mail: ahmad_homoud@yahoo.com

2e-mail: abkruglov@mephi.ru

AbstractThe article presents the results of studying the density of steel 12Kh18N10T and the coefficient of thermal expansion TEC (α) in the temperature range from 100 to 850˚С. The measurements were carried out using a DIL-405 C dilatometer. Steel 12Kh18N10T will replace traditional TVEL cladding materials, which are made of zirconium material. The cladding made of steel 12X18H10T can be used as a Tolerant fuel. It is shown that the thermophysical properties and accurate dilatometric results of studies of steel 12Kh18N10T make it possible to use steel cladding in fuel assemblies of a VVER reactor. The article presents the results of comparison with similar data from the State Service of Standard Reference Data system.
KeywordsAccident tolerant fuel, density, coefficient of thermal expansion, dilatometer.
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