2021, 4 (41)

Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameOperational Experience of Stationary Technical Diagnostics Systems at Novovoronezh NPP
AuthorsG.V.Arkadov*1, V.I. Pavelko*2, V.P. Povarov **3, M.T. Slepov**4

* JSC "Joint Stock Company "Scientific and Technical Center "Diaprom", Koroleva str., 6, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia 249031

** Novovoronezh NPP Branch of JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom», Industrial zone Yuzhnaya 1, Novovoronezh, Voronezh region, Russia 396072

1е-mail: skrepka1964@gmail.com

2е-mail: vippvi@mail.ru

3е-mail: povarovvp@nvnpp1.rosenergoatom.ru

4orcid iD: 0000-0001-5563-0526

е-mail: SlepovMT@nvnpp1.rosenergoatom.ru

AbstractTechnical diagnostics has a strong position in the global engineering community. It is included in the standards and recommendations for both existing and projected nuclear power plants. All foreign operating nuclear power plants are more or less equipped with means of technical diagnostics of reactor installations either from the very beginning or during modernization. Regardless of the diagnostic architecture of the automated control system, whether it is Framatom's local project systems or Westinghouse's centralized systems, diagnostic algorithms are universal. The operating organization of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC pays great attention to the development of technical diagnostics tools. Over the past 20 years, almost all Russian power units have been equipped. This contributed both to improving the safety of operation, and ensuring reliability, and extending the life of existing nuclear power plants. The article presents the authors' classification of technical diagnostics systems, the features of their operation at the Novovoronezh NPP site for a 30-year period of time. Complex, high-tech diagnostic systems are moving into operational practice with great difficulty and skepticism. The systems are slowly being filled with diagnostic knowledge, but our demanding foreign customer will undoubtedly require this diagnostic knowledge.
Keywordstechnical diagnostics system, technical diagnostics, technical condition monitoring, block control panel, block control point, abnormal event, vibration monitoring system, free object detection system, humidity leak monitoring system, acoustic leak monitoring system, integrated diagnostics system, anomaly, artificial intelligence, commissioning tests, commissioning measurement system, main circulation circuit, acoustic standing wave, monitoring, control and diagnostics system, software and hardware complex


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