2021, 4 (41)

Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameThe Predictive Diagnosis Based on Hurst Indicator and Logistics Trends
AuthorsV.Ya. Shpicer1, V.V. Krivin2, V.A. Tolstov3

Volgodonsk Engineering-Technical Institute – Branch of NRNU «MEPhI»,

Lenina street, 73/94, Volgodonsk, Russia 347360

1ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5051-5091

e-mail: shpitser@mephi.ru

2ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0903-0786

WoS Researcher ID: E-2267-2018

e-mail: vvkrivin@mephi.ru

3ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7144-5195

WoS Researcher ID: F-1032-2017

e-mail: v-tolstov-2017@mail.ru

AbstractThe article presents the results of identifying pre-failure conditions. The results based on fractal analysis and nonparametric statistics. The NPP equipment units are highly reliable systems for long life cycle. These systems are characterized by slow graduating failures. This happens due to the accumulation of irreversible damage. Standard information measuring systems supply time series. They are traditionally processed by parametric methods. The processing of experimental data can be automated for industrial monitoring of NPP equipment parameters
Keywordsdiagnostics, prediction, controlled parameters, data processing, degradation, Hurst indicator, observation, monitoring, logistic methods, pre-failure conditions, standard intervals, probability distribution.
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