2022, 2 (43)

Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment

Article NameAnalysis of NPP Pressure Compensation Systems Оperation
AuthorsAlexander V. Razuvaev

Balakovo Institute of Technology, NRNU MEPhI, 140 Chapaeva Str., Balakovo, Saratov region, Russia 413800

vipdomik@mail.ru, ORCID: 0000-0002-4593-0653

AbstractThe article deals with the relevance of solving issues to improve the energy efficiency of the use of extracted hydrocarbon fuel, as well as the feasibility of developing and applying these measures in the economies of industrially developed countries. The necessity of having a permanent reliable source of electricity when using renewable and alternative sources of electricity is substantiated. As a permanent and reliable source of electricity, it is proposed to use operating and developing nuclear power plants. The use of these power plants requires the improvement of various systems for various purposes in them. To do this, the paper presents an analysis of the parameters of the steam and gas systems of pressure compensators to ensure the necessary pressure of the coolant in the first circuit of the nuclear power plant. Analysis of the parameters of operation of these systems is presented in tabular readable form. Based on the analysis, a "hybrid" pressure compensator system is proposed for detailed consideration, which includes the positive properties of the pressure compensator systems under consideration - steam and gas. An estimated calculation of the possible use of air (or gas) in the free volume of the pressure compensator with the provision of preliminary pressure is presented, followed by bringing the value of this pressure to the required value during operation. The advantages and disadvantages of the considered systems and some issues that require detailed study are noted.
Keywordsnuclear power plant, pressure (volume) compensation system, steam pressure compensator system, gas pressure compensator system, initial pressure calculation, «hybrid» pressure compensator system.
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