2022, 2 (43)

Safety culture and social and economic aspects of nuclear infrastructure area development

Article NameManagement Decision Implementation Monitoring in the Process of Managing Culture of Industrial Enterprise Production Safety
AuthorsIrina E. Lyskova

The Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Administration, Syktyvkar, Russia, 167000

IrinaLyskova@mail.ru,  ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2748-2794, WoS ResearherID: T-1644-2018

AbstractThe paper actualizes the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of managing the culture of industrial safety of industrial enterprises. The structural and substantive aspects of the organization of monitoring the implementation of management decisions in the process of managing the culture of industrial safety are revealed. A general analysis of the regulatory framework defining the basis for monitoring and evaluating the culture of industrial safety on the example of nuclear industry enterprises is proposed.
Keywordsproduction safety, production safety culture, management of production safety culture, control of the implementation of management decisions.
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