Design, manufacturing and commissioning of nuclear industry equipment
Article Name | The Cluster Analysis of Electrode Node Motion Track in Computer Simulator |
Authors | V.A. Tolstov, V.V. Krivin, I.O. Ishigov, N.A. Kravtsova |
Address | Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», |
Abstract | The analysis of electrode node motion track moving over joint is not the simple task. This analysis is similar to pattern recognition solving by artificial neural networks. The article deals with usage of neural network for identifying motion track properties. This is the first time of solving this task by collaborated feed-forward network and self-organizing map of T. Kohonen. The method is developing and gives opportunity to construct the automatic system for welder’s motion skills examination. |
Keywords | welding, training system, neural network, self-organizing map |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 71 - 76 |
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Open Article |