
Operation of nuclear industry facilities

Article NameThermomechanical Loading Monitoring of Heat Carrier Collector Welding Joint to Steam Generators PGV-1000 Du1200 Branch Pipe
AuthorsA.K. Adamenkov*, I.N. Veselova**, I.V. Malakhov*

*  «Rostov nuclear power plant» the branch OJSC «Rosenergoatom Concern», Volgodonsk-28, Rostov region, Russia 347340
**  Volgodonsk Engineering Technical Institute the branch of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», 73/94 Lenin St., Volgodonsk, Rostov region, Russia 347360
e-mail: INVeselova@mephi.ru

AbstractIn article possibility of one of operations directed to decrease in probability of welded joint zone damage of the VVER-1000 steam generator collector, namely, monitoring of thermomechanical loading of №111 welded seam at the steam generator operation is considered. The made analysis of welded joint destruction mechanism allowed to define that metal damage in the welding zone of the heat carrier collector to Du1200 branch pipe happens in the direction of MCP hot string from short forming a branch pipe, near a zone to the maximum mechanical tension. Diagnosing operations of № 111 welded joint zone of steam generator collectors were made by the Stressvision mechanical tension scanner (indicator) at the Rostov NPP for the purpose of mechanical loading control. The principle of the device operation is based on the phenomenon of magnetic anisotropy of ferromagnetic material products, i.e. magnetic state change under the influence of mechanical tension. The analysis of gradient distribution and of mechanical tension concentrators allows to draw a conclusion that the welded joint zone in the field of collector short forming is 2-3 times more strained than welded joint zone in the field of long forming that will be coordinated with the data provided by other researchers as the most possible emergence defect zone. Thus, periodic diagnosing by the Stressvision indicator of № 111 welded seam zone will allow to reveal and estimate possible changes of gradient and mechanical tension concentrators and to provide thermomechanical loading monitoring of heat carrier collector welding joint to steam generators Du1200 branch pipe.
Keywords№ 111 the weld joint, steam collectors, magnetic anisotropy, the gradients and mechanical tension concentrators, thermomechanical loading, Stressvision indicator

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