Nuclear, radiation and environmental safety
Article Name | Providing Environmentally Acceptable State of Nuclear Power Plant Water Recycling System at the Water Blowdown Technology Application of the Rostov NPP Cooling Pond |
Authors | O.I. Gorskaya |
Address | «Rostov Nuclear Power Plant» the Branch of OJSC «Concern Rosenergoatom», |
Abstract | OBJECTIVES The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the water blowdown from the Rostov nuclear power plant cooling pond to the Tsimlyansk reservoir during six years. METHODS Characteristics of the Tsimlyansk reservoir and the cooling pond by chemical composition, thermal regime and species diversity are analyzed. RESULTS On the basis of the conducted research the author identified and clearly proved the absence of negative impact the cooling pond water on the chemical composition, thermal regime and the structural and functional characteristics of aquatic communities of the Tsimlyansk reservoir during six stages of the water blowdown. |
Keywords | Rostov nuclear power plant, water blowdown, siphon spillway, Tsimlyansk reservoir, cooling pond |
Language | Russian |
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Papers | 16 - 28 |
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Open Article |